Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Here's what I should have written yesterday.

My original goal with this was to write something every day. Obviously, there are going to be glitches. I was much too busy at work to do anything quite this personal, and when I finally got home, my internet connection was down. (Comcast, as my older son loves to say, was being Comcastic.) Besides, the Red Sox were playing the Yankees... Yeah, we lost, but tonight we'll show 'em!

I hope that one of these days, I'll be able to sit down and write commentary on some odd item that I saw in the news. I'm always seeing things I want to write about, but I never had a good place to do it before. This is where being fearless comes into play. I've always been afraid to express opinions, because somebody might disagree with them and be nasty to me. I want to conquer this fear. I want to express my opinions freely and fearlessly.

Yankees Suck! Johnny Damon is a turncoat!

See, now, that was easy.

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