Thursday, April 8, 2010

In Which the Best Male Singer is Almost Eliminated

American Idol is definitely NOT a talent contest. It's a popularity contest. The voting is controlled by idiots with no musical skills of their own and no capability to appreciate real musical talent. This is proven week after week after week, as talented singers are eliminated and the dregs of the competition are kept on. For example: Tim Urban Blight didn't even make the Bottom 3.

The other two candidates I picked for the Bottom 3, Aaron Kelly and Andrew Garcia, were there. But after Ryan's intro hinted at "SHOCKING Results!", I knew that Michael Lynche was in trouble when he joined them there.

Now, Big Mike had a bad week. He made the wrong song choice - the overdone and trite "Eleanor Rigby" - and he sang the life right out of it, making it bombastic and theatrical. But I love Big Mike, and mentally I've placed him in the Top 3 with Crystal Bowersox and Siobhan Magnus. He is that talented, and he commands the stage with his huge personality. Urban Blight can't even command a small part of the stage. I swear he's taken over the brains of the voting populace with some kind of robotic mind control.

Big Mike chose to repeat his best performance to date when he sang "This Woman's Work" for the judges, who, being able to recognize talent at least some of the time, chose to exercise their veto and keep him in the competition. I cheered loudly, frightening the cats.

Next week, will the same kind of insanity prevail? I don't usually vote this early in the game, but unless he screws things up royally, I'll be voting for Big Mike next Tuesday.

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