Sunday, September 2, 2007

Songs I'm embarrassed to admit I like

Songs I secretly like, but don't want to admit to:

- "I'll be", by Edwin McCain. Soppy and overdone, but hell, I would love to have somebody that much in love with me...
- "Collide", by Howie Day. How many movie/TV ads used this song? It got ridiculous after awhile. I'm not even sure what the lyrics mean. But it's pretty and romantic, and I have a pretty, romantic side.
- "Malibu", by Hole. Courtney Love can't really carry a tune, but (through whatever electronic manipulations it required) she managed to get through this one fairly well. This song just reaches a place inside of me. The first time I heard it, I thought, I could have written that. I have a tendency to fall for the crazies, I guess.
- "Unwritten", by Natasha Bedingfield. My daughter will tease me when she finds it on my playlist... What can I say? It makes me feel more positive about myself, and I need that.
- "In the house of stone and light", by Martin Page. I guess he's a one-hit wonder. This song came out during the time in my life when I thought new-agey stuff might be the cure for what ailed me. Yeah, I've still got a few crystals, too.

I'm sure I'll think of more at a later date.

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