Friday, March 6, 2009

American Idol's Top 13

I'm miffed at the Wild Card picks. Only one of the three I picked, Anoop Desai, got through, even though they added a fourth pick. I'm kind of glad that Jasmine Murray made it, because I've liked her from the start. But she's just a kid, and she could come back another year. I'll miss Jesse Langseth. And those @$$hole judges blew off Ricky Braddy, even though he gave a stellar performance.

My TiVo cut off the end of the show, so I don't know how they spun the addition of a 13th finalist. (CSI is sooo much more important!) All I know is that when I checked the website this morning, there was a headline: "Introducing your Top 13!"In addition to Jasmine and Anoop, the blonde and pretty but otherwise not especially talented Megan Corkrey (who seems to have dropped her last name and is now going by Megan Joy) got through. And Matt Giraud, the Dueling Pianist, got in. Simon often criticizes performers for being "forgettable." Well, Matt Giraud has yet to make an impression on me; I can never remember what he looks like or what he sang.

Sooooo, we have a Top 13 Contestants. 9 of them, in my opinion, deserve to be there. 4 of them got through on something other than talent. I'm guessing Kris Allen got through because, as Simon said, "the chicks" are going to love him. Megan Blonde Joy wiggled her ass at the right people. Matt Giraud murdered "Viva la Vida", and was granted a second chance for no apparent reason except that the judges liked him. And Michael Sarver got through because he's a blue-collar salt-of-the-earth type. Meanwhile, a lot of more deserving contestants were sent packing. The show will be poorer for their loss. Sigh. I'll watch it anyway, I know I will.

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