Friday, May 1, 2009

American Idol Update: Down to four

Interesting outcome on Wednesday night. With only five left, it was obvious that a Bottom Three was going to include a possible winner. Ryan divided the performers into two groups: Allison and Danny to the right (traditionally the side of the "safe" singers) and Matt and Kris to the left (where the Bottom Three stools are). Then he asked Adam which group he thought he belonged with. Of course, he chose Danny and Allison. To the surprise of almost everybody, Ryan moved him over to stand with Matt and Kris - who were in fact in the Bottom Three. Well, third place out of five... But wait! When Ryan returned a singer to the "safe" side, it wasn't Adam, it was Kris. So there's the Bottom Two: Matt, who should have been there, and Adam, who shouldn't have. Fortunately, it was Matt who was sent home.

So the top four are Danny, Allison, Kris and Adam, probably in that order as of last week's voting. I still think Adam is the most talented performer in this group, but that doesn't necessarily make him the American Idol. I'd love to see Allison win.

I spent some time yesterday downloading American Idol tracks and videos. I got Allison's performance of "Someone to Watch Over Me", and it came with a free "autographed picture" (well, she autographed a picture and somebody scanned it in...). I also downloaded some of my other favorite performances, including Anoop Desai doing "True Colors" (it's lovely) and Jesse Langseth doing "Bette Davis Eyes". I still think Jesse should have been in the Top Twelve. I also spent some money on Adam Lambert tracks - I sprung for the videos of "Wheel of Fire" (it's so over the top!) and "Tracks of my Tears", to be sure and get that stripped-down accompaniment. I also got "Mad World", so now I have three different performances of it on iTunes.

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