Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cape Cod vacation, part 4: Windy

Yesterday was a very windy day. When I finally went down to the beach in the middle of the afternoon, it was practically deserted, and I found out why as soon as I stepped out of my car. No, not the sharks which are offshore not too far from here. It was the sand. The wind was driving a fine mist of sand into everything in its path. A lot of the sand looked smooth, with all the footprints erased, from the relentlessness of the wind.

And the water was rough. Three-foot waves, which might not be much in other parts of the world, but are significant in Nantucket Sound. I stood on the shore for some time, letting the waves crash against my legs, but I finally decided not to go in. I felt like a sissy, but the fact is, I thought I might have trouble getting back out again because of my artificial left knee. If I hadn't been alone, I might have reconsidered. Other people were in the water, but obviously they were strangers to me (I don't actually know anybody down here).

It's windy again today, and very humid. I'm torn. I'd love to take a swim, but I don't know if I want to go to the beach. Last year I challenged myself to get into the water every day. I've already blown that for this year (I didn't submerge myself yesterday). But this year my only challenge was to make sure I got to the beach four times (enough to pay for the sticker), and I've already been there three times. I can drive down any time, and I might just do that.

Yesterday's outing was a trip down Route 28 to West Dennis and a discount Indian-style clothing place. I bought two sundresses, one of which I can wear to work. It's a purple print and has an actual top, not just straps. The second one has spaghetti straps and I couldn't wear it to work, but in color - green and periwinkle - it's a close match to my old favorite sundress that I bought at a place which has since gone out of business. I wore it yesterday afternoon and I felt great about it.

Today I made it down to Marion's Pie Shop for a cinnamon roll for breakfast. I ate half of it. Those things are huge! I stopped at the Box Office Cafe for a cup of Sumatran coffee to enjoy with it.

I went down to Harwich Port and got a bargain pedicure. I think I should have asked for the full version. It was kind of a disappointing experience; the pedicurist didn't say much, and she didn't clip my nails, which I think she should have.

Anyway, I might go to the beach this afternoon. Or maybe not. I don't know yet.

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