Wednesday, May 26, 2010

AI9: Finals

May is drawing to a close, and after a lackluster season, so is American Idol, Season 9. Simon Cowell judged his last contestants last night. I wonder if the show can go on without him. It won't be the same, that's for sure. After this season, that can only be an improvement - right?

Last night, one person clearly showed herself to be the winner. One person just showed up. And now it's not a question of talent - Crystal Bowersox clearly has the most talent of any contestant this season - it's a question of whose fan base voted the most often last night. If I sound a little downhearted, it's because I am. The results should be clear. But they aren't, and that's disappointing.

Each contestant sang three songs last night. One was their favorite song of the past season. One was chosen for them by the executive producer of the show, Simon Fuller. And the last one was the song the winner will release as their first single. I was fully expecting another composed-for-American-Idol song, and was hoping it would be closer to Season 7's "The Time of my Life" than to last season's clunker, "No Boundaries". I guess they learned their lesson last year, though; each contestant was allowed to cover an existing song. More on that later.

The contestants flipped a coin (a large one, with a picture of Crystal on one side and I assume Lee on the other) to see who would go first. Crystal won the toss, and she chose to go second. She's a smart woman, Crystal – wanted to be in the “pimp spot”.

Lee DeWyze chose “The Boxer” as his favorite of the songs he performed this season. Interesting – I read in the Boston Globe that Paul Simon (the song's composer) performed it at the Brandeis commencement, where he was getting an honorary degree. I figured today's audience was made aware of the song by Lee's performance of it earlier in the season. He did a very laid-back version, so slow that some of the passion of the song was gone. I noticed he left out the verse about the whores on Seventh Avenue... Anyway, it was a kind of lukewarm performance; he really should have given the song more energy and focus and a lot more emotion. Randy told him he needed to pick it up a little, get some more energy going. Ellen booed Randy (one gentle “boo”) and said to Lee “I couldn't be prouder if I'd birthed you myself.” She thought he did it better than he had the first time. Kara agreed with Randy, though. Simon said he would expect a lot more passion and excitement. “That was a kiss on the cheek when I want a kiss on the lips – not from you,” he added quickly.,“but you know what I'm saying. It's got to be a bit more than that.”

Crystal Bowersox sang “Me and Bobby McGee”, an excellent choice, since this was one of her best-received songs of the season. She started out with just her acoustic guitar. She had her microphone stand from home (with the glass lamp chimney on it). This song suits Crystal's style so well; it was definitely the performance choice of a winner. She sounded awesome. Randy thought it was “dope.” Ellen thought Crystal was so compelling on stage. Stunning. Kara loved it. “You have fire in your belly tonight. Go for it.” Simon said it brought him back to the time when they absolutely fell in love with her. “We've got a competition tonight. That was terrific.”

Round 1, in my opinion, goes to Crystal.

Round 2 was Simon Fuller's choices for the finalists. Lee DeWyze was given “Everybody Hurts” by REM. This should have been an excellent song choice for him; it would fit perfectly with Lee's strengths. Unfortunately, the large intervals at the beginning served to emphasize his pitch problems, and he never really recovered from that. Randy thought it was definitely better, although he commented about it being a little “pitchy” at the beginning. Ellen thought he went off a couple of times. She thought he really got into it a couple of times, but then he pulled back again. Kara said that what makes him great as a performer is that he was emotionally accessible. “It wasn't a perfect vocal, but I love that about you.” Simon thought it was a brilliant choice of song for him. He pointed out that Lee went off key at parts. Simon understands that Lee is nervous, but he has to give it all for his last performance because he's capable of it.

Crystal Bowersox was given “Black Velvet” by Alannah Miles. This is a bluesy, sexy song about Elvis, and Crystal executed it perfectly. She walked down the stairs (in heels! I couldn't have done it.) and leaned out to touch a few audience members' hands, all without missing a note. The way her voice dropped to a whisper when she sang "it happened so soon..." Wow. She blew me away. Randy said “MamaSox is in it to win it! That was hot!” Ellen thought it was fantastic. She gave her a standing O. Kara said tonight was the night for Crystal to excel, and that's what she did. Simon had problems with the song choice because so many people have “absolutely murdered it” in auditions, but “you took that song and you absolutely nailed it. I'm very impressed.”

Round 2 clearly goes to Crystal.

Now for round 3. Lee DeWyze performed the song he will release as a single if he wins. I was surprised to find out that it wasn't some agonizing ballad composed especially for American Idol; instead it was “Beautiful Day” by U2. Damn, I love this song, and I was a little afraid of what Lee might do to it. He didn't exactly murder it, but he didn't give U2 any serious competition, either. A few pitch problems, and his voice cracked a few times, but all in all he did the song justice. It was clear to me that he was more connected with this song than he had been to the first two. There were some lovely moments. Randy said it started weak, but by the middle it was the Lee that he loved. Ellen asked him how he felt. He said he felt good. She said he was fully present for this song. That's a positive change for Lee. Kara said he got swallowed up by the song. There were good moments and bad moments. But he deserved to be here. Simon said “This is what this competition was designed for.” - giving poor people (who just a few weeks ago were selling paint in a hardware store) a break. He's worked hard and remained a genuinely nice person throughout.

Crystal Bowersox performed the song she will release as a single if (when)she wins. “Up to the Mountain” by one of my favorites, Patty Griffin, her tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. It's a kind of folksy song, with a lot of soul, slow. Crystal sounded gorgeous. It was just her and her guitar (and the back-up singers). Just beautiful. Very moving. There were a few moments when Crystal appeared to be near tears. Her heart poured out of her with every note. Randy said “Culminating our 9th season on this show...This is what this show is about, an amazing song by an amazing singer. And I”m telling you what, I'm so proud of you, man. This is one of the greatest performances and one of your best moments at the perfect time on this show. That was incredible. Incredible.” Ellen said that she couldn't compare her to any contemporary artist. “You are in a league of your own...You have a beautiful clear and it just pulls you in, and if you're making an album I'm going to buy it, if you go on tour, I go on tour and watch you, if you're making a salad, I'll eat it...” Kara said “This was a very important song for you tonight.” She was completely emotionally invested in that song. “Amazing.” Crystal thanked Simon before he spoke. When he finally got his chance, he said “I thought that was by far the best performance and the song of the night.” His final critique: “That was outstanding.”

Round 3 goes to Crystal.

I managed to get in ten votes (at least) for Crystal. So did my son. But our twenty or so will be a drop in the bucket of the at least 60 million votes that are sure to have been cast last night. I can only hope that her clearly superior talent manages to pull in all the people who haven't voted yet this season. Tonight is my handbell night, and while I'll tape the show, I probably won't be able to sit through the entire thing before I find out what happened. I just remember two years ago, the War of the Davids, when I was watching the tape after my handbell rehearsal and when Ryan Seacrest finally announced the winner, it went like this:

"Ladies and gentlemen...David and David...the twelve million votes...of American"

And the TiVo cut out.

It was priceless. Fortunately, I found out who really won within seconds by searching for somebody's live blog.

Tonight, I want to see Crystal Bowersox crowned the next American Idol. She's my American Idol in any case. Good luck, Crystal!

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