Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Idol: The End

This will be the last season I blog American Idol. There is no reason to continue to watch the show. It's not a talent contest. The object is to find a commercial success, somebody squeaky-clean and marketable. And let's face it, as I frequently note, American Idol is marketed to the teens and tweeners, mostly girls. They would pick a handsome male who can barely carry a tune over a multitalented female every day.

Which is exactly what happened last night. Again. A repeat performance of last year, where the candidate who shone most brightly throughout the entire season ended up in second place. The only reason I can find for this is that Crystal, the dreadlocked, pierced, tattooed single mom, just wasn't as marketable as Lee, the short-haired reasonably well-groomed paint salesman whose first single will be a disaster unless they Auto-Tune it to death. Probably even then.

I am deeply disappointed in the show, in its voting audience, and in the judges for shamelessly pimping Lee. I can guarantee that I will buy Crystal's record when it comes out - and second-place candidates always seem to get recording contracts, too. Look at Clay Aiken. His records outsell Ruben Studdard's, I'm pretty sure. And Adam Lambert has a successful single right now. To be fair, I'm pretty sure Kris Allen does, too, but which one of them got to mentor this year's contestants?

Anyway, I'll continue to blog (not that it matters - nobody reads this anyway), but it won't be about American Idol.

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